Iran Standard & Quality Inspection Co. has just released the result of its latest research on measuring the customers’ satisfaction of automobiles in 2017. This investigation has been done in six price range: less than $ 6,579; $ 6,579 – $ 13,158; $ 13,158 – $ 19,737; $19,737 – $ 26,316; $ 26,316 – $ 32,895; and over $ 32,895. According to this research and in the ascending order of price range Tiba, Pars Tondar, Changan CS35 (Automatic), Kia Picanto, Hyundai Veloster, BMW 730, have achieved the highest rate of consumer satisfaction.

This study has been done on a sample of 27,589 buyers of 114 kinds of automobiles from 16 companies in 2017. The results of interviews show that the satisfactory rate has been improved by 23 scores compare to that of 2016. Of course, the results exclude the customers of Jahan Novin Arya (NISSAN) and buyers of unofficial selling channels, mainly because they did not show any interest to cooperate in the study.

Although Pride has been the top seller brand in the country, since its prices do not fall in any of the studies price ranges, it is not included in the survey. In fact, Pride with the price of around $ 5,270 with more than 80% of parts produced by domestic part-makers is the cheapest automobile manufactured in the home country.

The detailed results of the study for automobiles in $6,579 – $13,158 price range, show that Iran Khodro, one of the two biggest auto manufacturers in the country, with 9 out of 14 automobiles in the list has achieved the higher satisfaction rate than the other company, Saipa, with only two automobiles. In the price range of $13,158 – $19,737 however, Iran Khodro give its place to two growing privately owned auto manufacturers Modiran Khodro and Kerman Motor each with five automobiles.

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