As a wise man once said, “The only place SUCCESS comes before WORK is in the dictionary.”
Many famous and successful figures around the world have come up with the same mindset and philosophy through different eras. The question is what does the practice give us that leads to success? What kind of values does it create?
Imagine you are designing a strategy for achieving a particular goal. On the paper, everything is working smoothly. You have everything you need: a goal, a plan, and a person, who is most probably ready to start today! That is all good, but is it enough?
As an International Business Development Company, we like you to pursue a path, which leads to success. And for this matter, we like to point out few pieces of Business advice for Iran that will be useful while you are planning for your business in Iran.
Put your plan into action
The point is that what we experience through practice is most of the times different from what we expect. In practice, you will face some factors that you cannot anticipate beforehand. Doing business means human relations, and human relations means unpredictable factors in this respect.
On the other hand, let’s not forget about the fact that not a single road would lead to success for everyone. Not all the information you have is necessarily useful for your strategic planning. Therefore, you need to find a reliable testing method to get rid of the unnecessary loads of information.
Usually, the most reliable way for testing your knowledge is to put it into action. This way you will see in practice what works for you the best. The bottom line is, no matter how deep your knowledge is, you cannot succeed before you act.
Business advice for Iran
Narrowing down our subject to a more specific point, let’s discuss about Iran. For those of you considering Iran as you next target country, the following tips and advice can be useful:
- The traditional business atmosphere in Iran. Iran is among those countries that you cannot know its market through web search and analysis of sources based outside of the country. Moreover, Many of the most successful Business Owners of Iran’s big industries, even now prefer to stick to the traditional manner of doing business. That is Face-to-Face negotiations with their potential partners and customers. Especially when it comes to international trade, they tend to be very careful.
- Be present and build trust. Maybe the most useful business advice for Iran is that if you are serious about doing business in this country, come and experience its market from close. Successful practice in Iran requires your physical presence. By presenting your company during a face-to-face meeting with your potential partner, you will build mutual trust. This is something that will ease your way toward success.
- Gain access to a reliable source of information. Once you put the effort in building trust between you and your Iranian party, you will gain access to a new source of information that you cannot find in any online or written source. Through virtual research, you may find conflicting information. Your counterparts in the target country will make it easier for you to understand what is right or wrong.
- Once you established your connection, keep in touch. You need to continue your correspondence when you are back in your country. Show your Iranian counterpart that you are serious about doing business with them. Let them know it might take you a while to evaluate the most practical attitude towards a beneficial cooperation.
- Plan with high accuracy. Now you have a clear image on how to best pursue your goal in your new target market. From now on not only you can design a better map for your business, but also have a reliable source of information in your target country.
Often, our clients are looking for useful pieces of business advice for Iran and its market. One of the most common mistake that foreign companies make concerning the Iranian market is that they rely on the information they get from online sources. Although some of the information you gain might be correct, without putting them into the test you cannot understand whether they are useful or not.
Based on our experience, as business solution providers, testing your knowledge through practice is the most efficient approach. In terms of business development, practice requires you to step away from the virtual world and act in the real world. You need to have face-to-face negotiations with your potential partners. This is particularly the case for the traditional business atmosphere of Iran. This is not a country that you can benefit from its market through virtual actions.
Hence, for having a successful business development in Iran, try to gain information through practice and your physical presence. Make sure that you have a reliable local source of consultancy by your side.